July 17, 2009


hmm...test julai baru jak berlalu........setakat ne,,result bleh lah teruk =( ...mengumpul 'B' jak skung neyh.....huu.......sekarang ne,,sumer org busy prepare tuk penutupan minggu bestari s0k malam.....malas lah nak sibuk2kn diri.......biar lah jadi penonton jew s0k.... penat jew nanti.......ahaks....hari ne mang bh0san tauk,, pagi td dah tak masuk kelas dah,,abeS satu ari kat sick bay...nasib dah ok2 cket.....skrg ne sk0lah dah kena "virus" sakit demam2..batuk2..selsema2........dah aku pun tejangkit sekali.....s0,,to all semsaldian...tke g0od care of always pray f0r u all...esp. my frenz 06.10........erm.....dAa...

~~pusat akses smsld~~
~~prep petang~~

July 2, 2009

apa2 jew....

hari ne go on mcm besa jew....karnival last week memang happening gak larh,,,,x jugak bored weekend akue....dpt experience jho...first tyn gue try flyinffox....meriah tauk karnival thu...mcm2 ada kat karnival lae???x taw gagk week sure busy gik sb sukan tahunan...skrg sume busy tuk sukan....emm....mggu ne plak by6k new member kat 0610...hakhakhak...mcm2 ragam larh...n kami bru jew hilang classmates kemarin...bibianah dalam kenangan.....bha....salam....

June 13, 2009

what so ever!!

aduina!!!2 more days to go lar.....i hAlign Centerate kna face juga bnda thu......

MALASNYA BALIK HOSTEL!!!!again..the boring life begin..........haaa....

i never thought of going to a boarding school....what so ever..!!i kept thnking b4 i go to this school....what is so good about being selected student??anybody??can u answer me??? one can answer it i think....but now.....i kinda loving that school....but i hate it too.....dunn0 why larh......weirdo ha?? is fun!!!especially at 16!!!sure have s0me c.u.l.t.u.r.e.s.h.o.c.k.e.d!!!yups!!learning sumthing new at form 4 make me rmmber the first tym i learn about high's so different from the primary school....but as time pass...i do learn so things...i think life is all about learning sumthng new...the more we learn,,,the more we want to know...ryte??so..i think,,i will stop hating school coz it teach me to live my is the bes!!what so ever!!hak3

March 21, 2009

[ P ] e n J a R a (^_^)

g0d....t0morr0w is sunday!!!my holiday is finished....argh....hate going back to the prison 2morrow...huu~~~no use i babble here....i still had to go back to the beloved prison.....
(o_o)my olidae hd finished but nothing good happen during this olidae.....this tuesday..,i had to sit 4 the march test....hate it!!! much....i hate it!!but sure i miss the skul a lot ds olidae...dunn0e why....haha!!but still hating to go back there!!!