December 20, 2012


 I miss this blog. I used to active in blogging but then I realize that there were many things that is much more important. but yet, I miss blogging! haven't post anything for years lol. tengok arcieve lah haha. over punya sikit. aku ni bukan lah macam orang lain yang followers beribu-ribu, aku takda idea untuk post benda menarik. menulis blog ni hanya lah aktiviti untuk aku menghilangkan bosan. dan inilah tempat untuk aku meluah masalah, cerita etc segala yang aku tidak mampu untuk luahkan by words. so aku taip kat sini. yes, this is my digital diary. I used to tweet my problems on twitter. but.... tweeting everything on twitter is too mainstream. judges are everywhere and it sucks like ergh-you-name-it-lah. as all of them are human being too, I don't know why they think they have the right to judge me. and they judge everyone! don't you find it annoying? twitter is getting boring because of this drama thingy. attention seekers and hatred are everywhere. So I've been wondering, do we live in this kind of community huh? where everyone try to make others fall and hurt and cry. this may look small and it looks like nahh-it's-nothing but we are torturing others emotion. this is very sad indeed :( nampak sangat aku tengah judge orang kan? I know right haha. Sorry but this is just opinion. at least aku tak pergi bash orang di sana or apa apa lah. buat lek sudah, dia bukan kacau hidup aku pun. 
okey nuff with the nagging. haha. btw final sudah dekat. and you know what, you know what??!!!!! this means, my first semester as a degree student going to end very very very soon. maigawd maigawddd! this is way tooooooo exciting! I miss my family. I miss home. I miss the warmth of Sabahans. I miss the greenery of Sabah. I miss everything, literally. So, start esok actually boleh kira study week lah. tapi aku tak rasa pun sekarang ni macam study week. sebab, aku mood tengah malas mau belajar. mood aku hanya lah hendak berjalan ke sana ke mari ke hulu ke hilir memandangkan final exam aku start 3 January. And jadual final exam aku agak meng leisure kan aku jugak lah. hew. apa apa pun aku excited mau balik. tapi, final exam is not something that I can make fun of. examination is no laughing matter ya adik adik. so let us study for our final, and after that we pray and tawakkal. doa, usaha, ikhtiar, tawakkal ;) so pray for me and all my friends. hoping for a miracle to happen for this final. 
love, fyiezamyieraaaa.

jangan jadi macam ni. this isn't doing any goods for you.
 don't give up! :)

and I agree much with this picture. selagi belum final,
jangan menyerah. carrymark means nothing. final ftw lol

dan selepas kita berusaha, hendaklah kita bertawakkal kepada Allah SWT.
doa agar pemeriksa kita tenang memeriksa paper kita :)

hah, I found this! at google of course.
maybe this is something that you should try.
coz I'm gonna try it too. haha.

gdluck for your final examination dear friends. am wishing the best for all of you. Us :)

December 10, 2012

Life today! :D

wah. lama rasanya tinggalkan dunia blog ni. sangat lama tidak blog-ing. last post was on 16th April 2012. fiuhhhhhhhhh lama gila seh. and actually I do miss blog-ing people. it just that I don't really have time to do this and that to my blog. It sucks. What sucks? My blog. Can't you see it? So lame, so old-fashioooooooneddehh. yada yada yada. I guess I left this blog for twitter. I share everything right there, but then I realized, my life isn't private anymore. Where everyone knows about me. Twitter is not that cool anymore. Cause everybody start signing up for that blue bird. Then, I decide to write in my blog again. There's nothing much to share actually but at least I can share everything here since no one really read my blog but my revs. But I know that all of 'em are getting busy nowadays, and no one really cares about each other anymore. And for sure, they would not read this post. Hah! so aku takda idea nak share apa. aku rindu zaman sekolah and asasi aku. aku sangat tak boleh 'in' lagi lah dengan classmate degree ni. kawan tu boleh lah, tp aku tak rasa friendship kami sama dengan classmate time study kat palam dulu. and I actually wonder why. but yet, it's still early to say this. kan. so I hope by next sem, I can feel the same as I feel before to my Palam class mate. We have another 3 years together, and for sure I'm looking forward for our graduation day, love! So guys, let's make some great memories together! So, here you go. Pictures <3 u="u">

AS202 gegirl. Gegirl glamour uols! haha

Shafiqah, Teha, Nurul, Amalina and Nazhirah (;

5 jejaka bukan pujaan Malaya. Amin, Naim, Hafiz, Anep, Faid. With Aten, Nurul and Mira Najwa.

and bawah ni, gambar classmate Palam. I put their picture in this entry because, errrr. I miss them. Sangat. Terlalu rapat, even kitorg study sesama for 2 sem sahaja.

I guess, no captions can really explain how happy we were to be in B9. It was such a wonderful moment to know this people. They were awesome! and I love them. K.

So that's all. Thanks for wasting your time reading nothing here. Hahaha xD 
anyhow, you already finished it tho. 

much of love, myierafyiezaaaa.