December 18, 2011

another week dah lepas .

Assalamualaikum . Happy Sunday anda2 :D
Ohrait , where to begin arh ? ntah la . tegerak hati aku untk hapdet belog . for overall summary through this week . what to say ek ? rasanya mnggu ni xda apa la yg special . just masa cpt berlalu . start lecture hari selasa . then esoknya rabu . kawan ckp ‘rabu lah weh , xlama weekend ‘ pdhal lecture baru jak start 2 hari . fine . masa cpt berlalu , next week dah nak cuti midsem pulokk dah . wow . xlama test1 . then ? stdy2 , test2 , stdy2 , stdy week . tiba2 . jeng jeng jeng . FINAL EXAM . ohemmgeeeee . otokee otokee ? sbnrnya x byk pun yg boleh di share untuk minggu ni . just untk weekend ni jak la .

Last Friday night , the SMA had organized a competition namely ‘Asasi Got Talent’ . hoyeaah . sound great eh ? bole la . so so laa jugak . hhaha . but unfortunately , during that night , me and my friend had planned a study group to finish all the tutorial given . for maths only la . so tgh dok busy buat maths tu . I receieved 1 SMS from tasha . she told me that Fath joined that singing2 thingy at the Dewan Serbaguna Rafflesia . ok . that time . my hati was so menyesal2 semenyesalnya as I x masuk pegi dewan tu . I kuar balik . but somehow , itu just saringan . haha . so aku plan pegi tgok Fath main gitar during final la , which is last night . tp last night pulak ada perjumpaan dgn kwn2 di RSU . adalaaa kitorg bincang2 =) tp before pegi tu , sempat gak la pegi tgok competition tuh . aku taktauu pulak yg group Wisdom masuk final . tup2 group dorg 1st to performed last night . and me and mimi was so like gila tgok Fath time tu , sbb Fath kn kawan mimi . and actually Fath tu budak lecture hall aku , and merangkap classmate aku untk BEL 260 dan BEL 311 . and so for Tuesday and Thursday kami akn spend 1 day sama2 sbb 2 hari tu just ada lecture jak . haha . aku bukan maksud kn bersama sama tu aku dgn dia . tp sbb duk 1 lecture kn . sma2 la tu kiranya . haha . and aku suka tgk dia , suka tgok dia main gitar jk sbnrnya and not more than that . sbb dia pndai main gitar . and his voice sedap gak nyanyi . not bad la . enough2 . FULLSTOP .

And now today is Sunday , still early for me to update blog about this week la kn . tp wtd ? aku update jk la , nnt xda masa pulak . ok skrg ni aku tgh bengang sbb aku xdpt tgok Arena Asasi . apa menatang tuh ? haha . sukan2 budak asasi la . sekadar untk merapatkn ukhwah kami kn . hahaha . best tgok dorg sukan tuh , mcm sukan sekolah dulu . fine aku rindu sukan sekolah . dgn music2 di pdg kwd tuh , suara org bersorak riang and menjerit2 tuh . aku jeles . tp apa boleh buat . aku mesti halalang diri aku daripada turun ke sana . kalau tidak , habis la sunburn . lagi satu , nanti kerja x siap . xpa la . tgok dari bilik pun ok what :D ok aku tipu . aku sekadar sedapkan hati jak . hati aku sebenarnya meronta ronta minta turun gi bwah . tp panas la . malas . xpa la . yg pnting semalam ada jgk tgok 1-2 minit . so fine . xpa la , chill . yg pnting kawan2 di bawah tu enjoy . ok laa :D

Oh , semalam pulak aku ada dissect tikus . Too bad, Taking picture is strictly prohibited in the lab. wowwyyy . So so sad. That was the first time for me, to dissect such a white fat cute mice. Sorry Mr.Little. I had to. To be a student, you need to be professional. That’s a fact dear. Even it smells bad, and I almost vomited in the lab but I was so excited that I forget all the unwanted feeling I’ve been feeling that moment. So , think positive, and everything is just right as it supposed to be. But, kitorg ada jugak amek gambar tikus tu. ambik curi2 la. Tapi xkan upload la. Sbb nnt busted kn payah . so simpan jak la sendiri2 gmbr itu . after finished class around 10 yesterday. I and my classmates went to a trip. To where? Erm. Not so far though. Just to the McDonald and having our lunch there. It was Such a fine and gay moment there yesterday.

Then ? apa lagi aku nak share. Xda la kot. Minggu depan nak cuti . aku excited. Tapi byk kerja kena submit before cuti nih. Atuiyaai.

To do this week :
Lab Report ; chemistry ; biology
Tutorial ; maths 2.4 , 3.1 ; physics 3 ; chemistry 2
Assignment ; Biology
OutlineTerm paper ; BEL 311

Byk kn ? tp sbnrnya masih sikit tuh . tp nawaitu kena betul la . sebab tuntut ilmu kn Fardhu Kifayah . tuntut ilmu untuk di dunia dan di akhirat. Sememangnya belajar ni buat kita lalai dan semakin mengabaikan benda yg lagi penting sbnrnya or should I say wajib kot. Tp kena lah seimbang Dunia dan Akhirat. Jadi manusia , kita gunalah akal kita sebaiknya :D

subuh2 kat cafe ni sunyi lagi :D lama x tgok cafe kosong cm nih .

around 7am . still dark . misty lagi :D

Arena Asasi :D

McDonald time :D

Burger tapau : Mouse McDeluxe :D haha

Hujan Kemarin :')

Mouse Dissection : Jotter Ali Fikri :D
sory la Ali , uplod gmbr tikus ko yg tomeyyy nih . hehe

Jaga diri hiasi peribadi .

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